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Medications to Avoid Before and After Cosmetic Surgery

Please read below and scroll through each section to view all the different medicines to avoid, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting us

Do you have any questions? please let us know.

If you are taking any medications on this list, they should be discontinued prior to surgery and only Tylenol should be taken for pain. All other medications that you are currently taking must be specifically cleared by your doctor prior to surgery. It is absolutely necessary that all of your current medications be specifically cleared by your doctor and the nursing staff. Stop taking herball suplements including Gree Te.

Aspirin Medications to Avoid

Medications' Name (Scroll to see more)
4-Way Cold Tabs close
Adprin-B products close
Anacin products close
Arthra-G close
Arthritis Pain Formula close
ASA close
Aspergum close
Azdone close
Backache Maximum Strength Relief close
Bismatrol products close
Buffetts II close
Butalbital Compound close
Cheracol close
Cope close
Damason-P close
Dipentum close
Dolobid close
Easprin close
Equagesic close
Fiorinal products close
Gensan close
Isollyl Improved close
Lortab ASA close
Magnesium Salicylate close
Marthritic close
Methocarbamol close
Mobigesic close
Night-Time Effervescent Cold close
Olsalazine close
Pabalate products close
Panasal close
Percodan products close
Propoxyphene Compound products close
Roxeprin close
5-Aminosalicylic Acid close
Alka-Seltzer products close
Anexsia w/Codine close
Arthriten products close
Arthritis Strength BC Powder close
Asacol close
Asprimox products close
Azulfidine products close
Bayer Products close
Buffered Aspirin close
Buffex close
Cama Arthritis Pain Reliever close
Choline Magnesium Trisalicylate close
Coricidin close
Darvon Compound-65 close
Disalcid close
Dristan close
Ecotrin products close
Excedrin products close
Gelpirin close
Goody's Extra Strength Headache Powders close
Kaodene close
Magan close
Magsal close
Meprobamate close
Micrainin close
Momentum close
Norgesic products close
Orphengesic products close
P-A-C close
Pentasa close
Phenaphen/Codeine #3 close
Robaxisal close
Saleto products close
Acetilsalicylic Acid close
Amigesic close
Argesic-SA close
Arthritis Foundation products close
Arthropan close
Ascriptin products close
Axotal close
B-A-C close
BC Powder close
Bufferin products close
Butal/ASA/Caff close
Carisoprodol Compound close
Choline Salicylate close
Cortisone Medications close
Darvon/ASA close
Doan's products close
Duragesic close
Empirin products close
Fiorgen PF close
Genprin close
Halfprin products close
Lanorinal close
Magnaprin products close
Marnal close
Mesalamine close
Mobidin close
Mono-Gesic close
Norwich products close
Oxycodone close
Pain Reliever Tabs close
Pepto-Bismol close
Pink Bismuth close
Rowasa close
Salflex close
Salicylate products close
Scot-Tussin Original 5-Action close
Sodium Salicylate close
St. Joseph Aspirin close
Suprax close
Triaminicin close
Tussanil DH close
Vanquish Zorprin close
Salsalate close
Sine-off close
Sodol Compound close
Sulfasalazine close
Synalgos-DC close
Tricosal close
Tussirex products close
Wesprin close
Salsitab close
Sinutab close
Soma Compound close
Supac close
Talwin close
Trilisate close
Ursinus-Inlay close
Willow Bark products close

Ibuprofen Medications to Avoid

Medications' Name (Scroll to see more)
Aleve close
Cataflam close
Diclofenac close
Etodolac close
Flurbiprofen close
IBU close
Ibuprohm close
Indomethacin products close
Lodine close
Mefenamic Acid close
Motrin products close
Naprelan close
Naproxen close
Orudis products close
Piroxicam close
Relafen close
Sulindac close
Tolmetin close
Acular (opthalmic) close
Anaprox products close
Clinoril close
Dimetapp Sinus close
Feldene close
Genpril close
Ibuprin close
Indochron E-R close
Ketoprofen close
Meclofenamate close
Menadol close
Nabumetone close
Naprosyn products close
Nuprin close
Oruvail close
Ponstel close
Rhinocaps close
Suprofen close
Toradol close
Advil products close
Ansaid close
Daypro close
Dristan Sinus close
Fenoprofen close
Haltran close
Ibuprofen close
Indocin products close
Ketorolac close
Meclomen close
Midol products close
Nalfon products close
Naprox X close
Ocufen (opthalmic) close
Oxaprozin close
Profenal close
Sine-Aid products close
Tolectin products close
Voltaren close

All Herbal Supplements Medications to Avoid

Medications' Name (Scroll to see more)
4-Way w/ Codeine close
Accutrim close
Anisindione close
BC Tablets close
Contac close
Dicumerol close
Emagrin close
Fragmin injection close
Heparin close
Lovenox injection close
Miradon close
Pentoxyfylline close
Prednisone close
Ru-Tuss close
Sofarin close
Stelazine close
Tenuate Dospan close
Ticlopidine close
Virbamycin close
A.C.A. close
Actifed close
Anturane close
Childrens Advil close
Coumadin close
Dipyridamole close
Enoxaparin injection close
Furadantin close
Hydrocortisone close
Macrodantin close
Opasal close
Persantine close
Protamine close
Salatin close
Soltice close
Sulfinpyrazone close
Thorazine close
Trental close
Vitamin E close
A-A Compound close
Anexsia close
Arthritis Bufferin close
Clinoril C close
Dalteparin injection close
Doxycycline close
Flagyl close
Garlic close
Isollyl close
Mellaril close
Pan-PAC close
Phenylpropanolamine close
Pyrroxate close
Sinex close
Sparine close
Tenuate close
Ticlid close
Ursinus close
Warfarin close
Actron close

Vitamin E (Over 400 Units) Medications to Avoid

Medications' Name (Scroll to see more)
Adapin close
Anafranil close
Clomipramine close
Elavil close
Imipramine close
Ludiomil close
Nortriptyline close
Protriptyline close
Tofranil Vivactil close
Amitriptyline close
Asendin close
Desipramine close
Endep close
Janimine close
Maprotiline close
Pamelor close
Sinequan close
Triavil close
Amoxapine close
Aventyl close
Doxepin close
Etrafon products close
Limbitrol products close
Norpramin close
Pertofrane close
Surmontil close
Trimipramine close

Diet Pills or Supplements Medications to Avoid

Medications' Name (Scroll to see more)
Phentermine close