The main advantage of the Brazilian Butt Lift is that, since it is fat from our own body, a natural self-implant, it does not produce rejection. At CG Cosmetic Surgery, we have mastered this fantastic procedure that changes bodies and lives worldwide. This surgery is based on distributing the body's fat to mold it; removing it from generous areas where it builds up, usually extracted from the abdomen and love handles, since that is where the majority of the stem cells are located, then we place it where it's needed to enhance the curves and achieve the desired hourglass figure. 

This revolutionary technique offers incredibly aesthetic results. Technically any area of the body may be susceptible to receiving a transfer of fat, the most common being: the face, breasts, or buttocks. BBL is a safe procedure that produces lasting and natural-looking results.   

When should you consider getting a BBL?

Your fat, unlike fillers of synthetic origin, accomplishes a double mission of filling and revitalizing the tissues in which it is injected, reducing the possibility of allergic reactions to foreign substances. The results of a fat transfer are durable and safe. To avoid the relocated natural fat getting reabsorbed, the patient must follow a balanced diet because, like any fat cell, you can gain or lose it as your weight fluctuates. 

You can be the right candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift if you want to correct signs of aging on the face, such as loss of volume, deep wrinkles, or devitalized skin. You can also benefit from this treatment if you’re interested in the correction of scars, reconstruction, fixing irregularities, improve the appearance and volume of your buttocks without synthetic implants. You should remember that in specific treatments, you may need several sessions to achieve the desired result.


woman with Brazilian butt lift

How does it work?

Fat is obtained from a part of your body where there is an excess of it, even if it is moderate. After obtained, it is washed and purified, carefully injected with needles or special cannulas in the areas that need correction.

To obtain the fat, one or several body areas will be selected and prepared with local anesthesia. Through a small incision, and with the help of syringes or mechanical devices (conventional or assisted liposuction apparatus), a cannula is inserted to extract the fat carefully so as not to destroy the fat cells or adipocytes.

For the fat extraction, we use a cannula of at least 3mm. When the fat is removed, we apply a dual-energy laser, which removes the fatty tissue and achieves a homogeneous skin retraction. After obtaining the fat, purification is carried out. Once enough fat is obtained from the donor area, our plastic surgeon will process it properly to prepare the fat cells by various methods of filtration, decantation, or centrifugation, and transfer them to small syringes used for transfer by injection of fat.

In the receiving area of ​​the fat graft, your plastic surgeon will insert a special cannula or fine needles to achieve the correction you are looking for by depositing the fatty tissue linearly in the recipient tissues. This process is repeated until the desired correction has been completed. You can then place a dressing, bandage, or compression garment to keep the treated area safe.

How to prepare for the surgery?

Your surgeon and surgical coordinator will explain the complete instructions and answer any questions you may have, make a detailed medical history and perform a physical exam to determine if you are suitable for fat grafting surgery.

You must stop smoking at least six weeks before having surgery to improve wound healing.

Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory medications that may increase bleeding. Some foods and food preparations may increase the risk of bleeding and should also be avoided a few weeks before surgery: vitamin E, foods rich in omega 3, soybean oil, avocado, almonds, garlic, hazelnuts, nuts, ginger, sunflower seeds, broccoli or paprika.

Hydration is essential before and after surgery for a good recovery.

Arrange for someone to take you home or accompany you after surgery and, if the surgery does not require hospitalization, to stay with you for at least the first night after surgery.

How to choose your Surgeon? 

Every year aesthetic procedures and plastic surgeries increase in number. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, ASPS, in 2018, more than 1.8 million cosmetic surgical procedures were performed in the United States. Unfortunately, parallel to this boom has also increased the number of procedures performed by false specialists and doctors who do not meet the minimum requirements to practice this profession. Consequently, complications and unsatisfactory results are serious problems that can have life-long consequences.

Having a BBL should not be a light decision. The correct choice of surgeon and clinic is a fundamental point to achieving the best results and reducing the possibility of complications. That’s why here at CG Cosmetic surgery, we only provide you with the top surgeons in the country. 

Please consider these recommendations if you are considering getting the procedure elsewhere: 

  • Talk to people who have gone through this process

The best way to have information about doctors and clinics is to talk with family or friends who have undergone similar surgery. Knowing the experience of others helps to make a better decision regarding who the doctor should be. Besides, on the web, you can find reviews that give valuable guidance. However, when analyzing the experiences of others, do not compare. Keep in mind that each person has different results and recovery processes.

  • Do your research

The specialist must be part of the scientific society that groups them to guarantee that it complies with the studies and accreditations necessary to work. In the case of the United States, the American Society of Plastic Surgery has the list of its specialists.

Choosing a surgeon and an institution with all the necessary permits and certifications is the best way to guarantee a high-quality service.

If you are thinking of operating in another country, look for a society that groups plastic surgeons and check their databases. Investigate and ask for claims for malpractice or license suspensions to practice the profession. All these elements will help you make the right decision.

  • Go prepared for the first consultation

To get the most out of your first assessment, and get the vital information, have a list of questions and doubts you want to solve.

It is essential to be clear about the risks of complications and unsatisfactory results. Ask about this topic to have more elements to help you decide.

It is also vital to know if there are other treatment options for your case and leave surgery as the last option. If pain is one of the biggest worries you have, ask about complementary options to manage pain after surgery. If you cannot clear all your doubts, schedule a second consultation

  • Accreditations

Advertising should not be what determines the choice of a surgeon. Choosing a surgeon and an institution with all the necessary permits and certifications is the best way to guarantee a high-quality service. There are accreditations for clinics, offices, and doctors. These certify that the requirements to offer these services are met. Don't be afraid to ask us if the clinic has all the regulatory permits, and we’ll gladly present them to you. 

For plastic surgeons, the American Board of Plastic Surgeons is the entity that lets you know if the specialist meets the necessary studies, updates, and accreditations.

  • A difference to take into account

There are plastic surgeons and cosmetic or cosmetic surgeons. Plastic surgeons are specialists who have studied all their training to perform aesthetic and reconstructive treatments. But in addition, several medical specialties offer aesthetic treatments: some specialists, such as ophthalmologists, dermatologists, and otolaryngologists, are promoted as cosmetic surgeons. Make sure the specialist can perform the procedures he offers and has the necessary training to provide these services. Each specialty has a different society and certifications.

  • Advertising should not be the only criteria

Any doctor can post a notice, and design attractive and expensive ads. For this reason, advertising should not be what determines the choice of a surgeon. Not necessarily the doctor with the most visible advertising campaign is the best option. Many surgeons with vast experience and quality in their services do not advertise or use social networks to spread their surgeries and treatments.

Knowing the experience of others helps to make a better decision regarding who the doctor should be. Remember that many before and after photos have digital tweaks and are not as real as they appear. Advertising allows any attractive phrase or promise of good results. Be very careful and don't be impressed by the publicity.